Zgodba godbe VII. Korpusa in njenega kapelnika – dirigenta Jožeta Bruna je predvsem zanimiva zaradi znamenitega odhoda Rudarske godbe Hrastnik v partizane in ki je verjetno edinstven odhod oziroma prvi odhod tovrstnega ansambla v zgodovini odporniških gibanj. Jože Brun, ki je ta odhod organiziral, pa ni bil samo odličen organizator, temveč tudi izvrsten dirigent, pedagog, skladatelj in aranžer.
Jože Brun – Partisan Conductor and Composer
The story of the 7th Corpus military band and its bandmaster, conductor Jože Brun, is interesting mainly because of the Hrastnik miners band’s famous and unique act of joining the partisans, which was the first time in the Resistance history that a band of this type joined the army. Jože Brun, who organised it, was not only an excellent organiser but also an exceptional conductor, pedagogue, composer and arranger.