Članek prikazuje vpliv spremenjenih družbenih okoliščin, ki posledično sprožajo tudi spremembe
v šolskem svetovalnem delu. Namen prispevka je pregled ključnih družbenih in formalnopravnih sprememb v obdobju četrt stoletja od sprejetja in uveljavitve programskih smernic šolskega svetovalnega dela ter njihovega vpliva na to delovno področje v srednjih šolah. V ta namen smo pregledali obstoječe raziskave in analize šolskega svetovalnega dela, relevantne študije drugih področij, pravne akte ter podatke Statističnega urada Republike Slovenije. Spremembe v družbi in posledično v šoli so številne in kompleksne. Ključna ugotovitev je, da sta tako obseg kot strokovna celovitost šolskega svetovalnega dela izjemno povečana, normativi šolskega svetovalnega dela pa neustrezni. Pregledane analize kažejo, da so šolske svetovalne službe kljub izrazito naraščajočim potrebam po strokovnem delu čedalje bolj obremenjene z administrativnim delom, za ob navedenih spremembah še posebno nujne razvojno analitične in preventivne dejavnosti pa jim zmanjkuje časa. Ob potrebi po še nadaljnjem izboljšanju normativov se kaže kot posebno pomembna opredelitev delovnih področij in nalog šolske svetovalne službe.
Challenges in School Counselling from the Perspective of Social and Formal Legal Changes in the Period after the Creation of Programme Guidelines
The article illustrates the impact of changed social circumstances, which consequently bring about changes in school counselling. The purpose of the article is to review the key social and formal legal changes in the quarter century since the adoption and implementation of programme guidelines for school counselling and their impact on this area of work in secondary schools. For this purpose, we reviewed the existing research and analyses of school counselling, the relevant studies from other fields, legal acts, and data from the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. Changes in society and, consequently, in school are numerous and complex. The key finding is that the scope and professional integrity of school counselling have increased dramatically, while the school counselling norms are unsuitable. The reviewed analyses show that, despite the growing needs for professional work, school counselling services are becoming increasingly burdened with administrative work, thus lacking the time to carry out development, analytical and preventive activities that are necessary in light of the above mentioned changes. Besides the need to further improve the norms, another particularly important need is to define the work areas and tasks of the school counselling service.