Izzivi multikulturnega izobraževanja

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Živimo v multikulturni družbi, kar posledično pomeni, da naj bi bili sposobni tako družbo razumeti in v njej bivati. A vendar je razprava o multikulturnosti v izobraževanju nujna. V svojem prispevku osvetlim pomen multikulturne vzgoje in izobraževanja v vrtcu in šoli, njune cilje, namen in dimenzije. Razmišljam o vprašanju, ali je današnji vrtec/šola, v času globalizacije, resnično bolj dovzeten in pozoren na vzgojo za multikulturnost? Kot primer sistematičnega in strokovnega odgovora na vprašanje navedem in opišem pomen senzibilizacije pedagoških strokovnih delavcev, multikulturno naravnanega kurikula ter načina sodelovanja s starši in sistemsko odgovornost.


Challenges of Multicultural Education

We are living in a multicultural society, which consequently means that we should be able to understand such a society and be a part of it. Nevertheless, a debate on mul ticulturalism in education is necessary. The paper highlights the importance of multicultural education in kindergartens and schools, as well as its objectives, purpose and dimensions. The question is raised whether, in a time of globalisation, present- day kindergartens/schools are truly more susceptible and attentive to education for multiculturalism? As an example of a systematic and expert answer to this question, the author states and describes the importance of the sensitisation of professional pedagogical staff, of a multiculturally oriented curriculum, of the method of cooperating with parents, and of systemic responsibility.