Prispevek prinaša opis enega od sistematičnih pristopov prehoda v nov sistem COBISS. Na primeru OŠ Orehek Kranj so zbrani ključni koraki, ki jih mora narediti vsaka šolska knjižnica pred prehodom in med njim. Na eni strani zakonsko določeni postopki, pravila in roki, na drugi strani pa realnost vsakdanjih tekočih opravil v knjižnici postavljajo šolskega knjižničarja pred velik izziv. Hkrati opravljati dolgoročno izjemno naporno delo in uresničevati cilje letnega delovnega načrta sili knjižničarja v mnogokrat nepotreben stres, zato je vnaprejšnje natančno načrtovanje prehoda nujno. Prispevek ponuja primer iz prakse ter nabor postopkov in opravil z namenom olajšati prehod tistim, ki se bodo s tem delom šele začeli spopadati.
Building a New Library Catalogue in COBISS (How I Approached the Challenge)
The article describes one of the systematic approaches in transitioning to the new COBISS system. The example of the Orehek Kranj Primary School illustrates key steps every school library is required to take before and during the transition – on the one hand, there are legal procedures, rules and deadlines that must be followed, on the other hand, there is a reality of challenging everyday library tasks that the school librarian is faced with. Performing a long-term extremely strenuous work and at the same time fulfilling the goals of the annual work plan can be unnecessarily stressful, therefore a precise, advance planning of the transition is required. The article offers a practical example and a number of processes and tasks to facilitate the transition for those who have yet to go through the process.