Internacionalizacija v šoli

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Evropska komisija s svojimi programi sofinanciranja omogoča organizacijam pridobivanje mednarodnih izkušenj, posamezniku pa razvoj tistih kompetenc, ki so danes nujne bolj kot kdaj prej. Zaradi globalizacije, razvoja tehnologije in množičnih migracij se mladi soočajo s tujino, drugačnimi jeziki in kulturo, drugačno od tiste, ki jo poznajo doma. Za življenje v takšni družbi sta potrebna temeljita vzgoja in izobraževanje, medkulturne kompetence pa morajo imeti posebno mesto. Medkulturne kompetence se ne razvijajo same od sebe, temveč lahko njihov razvoj spodbujamo z internacionalizirano šolo, njeno kulturo in učitelji. V članku bomo podrobneje spregovorili o pojmu internacionalizacije ter dveh tipih njenega razvoja (internacionalizaciji doma in internacionalizaciji v tujini), s predstavitvijo Študije učinkov programa Vseživljenjsko učenje pa bomo opozorili na pomen mednarodnega sodelovanja šole pri razvoju internacionalizacije in njenih učinkov.


Internationalisation in School

Through their co-financing programmes, the European Commission enables organisations to gain international experience and facilitates individuals to develop those competencies that are required today more than ever before. Due to globalisation, technology development and mass migrations, the young are faced with foreign countries, other languages and cultures that differ from the one they know from home. Life in this kind of society requires thorough upbringing and education where intercultural competencies must occupy a special place. Intercultural competencies do not develop on their own, but their development can be encouraged through the internationalisation of school, its culture and teachers. This article will discuss in greater detail the notion of internationalisation and two types of its development (internationalisation at home and internationalisation abroad), and, through a presentation of the Study of the Impact of the Lifelong Learning Programme, the importance of international school collaboration in the development of internationalisation and its effects will be addressed.