Integracija otrok beguncev v slovenski šolski sistem

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Z načrtnim vključevanjem otrok beguncev v vzgojno-izobraževalne ustanove v Republiki Sloveniji tem otrokom, učencem in dijakom lahko zagotovimo uspešno premagovanje ovir in spopadanje z učnimi ter vedenjskimi težavami, ki se lahko pri njih pojavljajo zaradi nezadostnega znanja slovenskega jezika, zaradi razlik med njihovo izvorno kulturo in kulturo okolja, zaradi nepopolne socialne integracije v večinsko družbo ali zaradi razlik v izobraževalnih sistemih med izvorno državo in sistemom v Sloveniji. Temelj vključevanja tvorijo splošne človekove in otrokove pravice, ki na eni strani dajejo posamezniku pravico do ohranjanja posebnosti, na drugi strani pa apelirajo na družbo okolja, da naj kulturno raznolikost sprejme ne le kot »drugačnost« v pozitivnem smislu, ampak tudi kot prednost in priložnost za dobre skupne izkušnje za vse. V prispevku predstavljam še okviren načrt dejavnosti v pomoč učiteljem in svetovalnim delavcem pri vključevanju otrok beguncev v pouk in šolske ter obšolske dejavnosti preko celega šolskega leta.


Integration of Children of Refugees into the Slovenian School System

By systematically integrating the children of refugees into educational institutions in the Republic of Slovenia we are enabling these children, primary and secondary school students, to successfully overcome obstacles and tackle learning and behavioural problems that may arise due to their insufficient knowledge of Slovenian language, the differences between their culture of origin and the culture of the environment, their incomplete social integration into the majority society, or the differences between the education systems in their country of origin and the system in Slovenia. The basis for the integration lies in general human and children’s rights, which, on the one hand, give individuals the right to preserve their peculiarities and, on the other hand, appeal to the society of the environment to accept cultural heterogeneity not merely as »diversity« in the positive sense, but also as an advantage and opportunity for good common experience for all. The paper also presents an outline plan of activities for assisting teachers and counsellors in integrating the children of refugees into school and extracurricular activities throughout the school year.