Inovativno učno okolje z vidika celostne vzgoje

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Čeprav je koncept celostne vzgoje lahko zelo splošen in neoprijemljiv, ga v prispevku zagovarjamo kot preplet telesne, duševne in duhovne dimenzije človeka. To za vzgojo predstavlja nenehen izziv, in sicer da v mladem človeku ne vidimo izključno le ene ali morda dveh dimenzij ter da šolska uspešnost vedno izhaja iz človekove sreče in zadovoljstva, ne pa nasprotno. V ta namen katoliške šole v Sloveniji ustvarjajo prostor, kjer učenci in dijaki uresničujejo svoje talente na številnih ravneh ter so uspešni na strokovnih, športnih, kulturnih in umetniških področjih. Poleg tega kažejo visoko raven empatije in odprtosti za religiozna vprašanja. Ključno vlogo pri tem igrajo vzgojitelji in učitelji, ki na številnih področjih ne nastopajo več samo v vlogi klasične pedagoške avtoritete, temveč tudi kot spodbujevalci in mentorji učencem in dijakom pri doseganju celostno zastavljenih ciljev. V prispevku bomo predstavili konkretne primere celostne vzgoje in izpostavili njene prednosti.


Innovative Learning Environment through the Lens of Holistic Education

Even though the concept of holistic education can prove to be a very generalised and abstract one, this article argues for this concept as a combination of physical, mental and spiritual dimensions of the human being. This poses the constant challenge of not seeing a young person in a one- or two-dimensional way only, and of ensuring that school success always derives from that person’s happiness and contentment, not the opposite. To this end, catholic schools in Slovenia create a space where pupils and grammar school students can assert their talents at several levels and can be successful in technical areas, sports, culture and art. In addition, these schools display a high level of empathy and openness for religious questions. A key role in this is played by educators and teachers who, in a number of fields, do not act as the traditional pedagogical authority anymore, but also as promoters and mentors for pupils and grammar-school students in achieving holistically designed goals. This article will discuss actual examples of holistic education and bring attention to its advantages.