Namen pričujočega prispevka je na kratko prikazati glavne značilnosti začetnega izobraževanja učiteljev angleščine na Filozofski fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani od povojnega obdobja do danes. Ker gre za razmeroma dolgo obdobje, je jasno, da so se v tem času na Filozofski fakulteti zgodile številne korenite sistemske spremembe, ki so zaznamovale tudi izobraževanje učiteljev. V nadaljevanju prispevek osvetljuje nekaj najpomembnejših razvojnih tokov na področju izobraževanja učiteljev tujih jezikov v zadnjih desetletjih in pokaže, do kakšne mere so sedanji bolonjski izobraževalni programi v sozvočju s sodobnimi smernicami.
The Indian Reserve as a Fitting Metaphor for Pre-service English Language Teacher Education at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
The purpose of the article is to highlight briefly some of the main features of pre-service English language teacher education at the Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, from the post-World War II period to the present. As this is a fairly long time frame, it is only natural that, during this period, many radical systemic changes have taken place at the Faculty of Arts, which, in turn, have also impacted teacher education. The article goes on to highlight some key developments in the field of foreign language teacher education over the past decades, and shows to what extent the current bologna teacher education programmes are in line with up-to-date advances in this field.