Identiteta v sodobnem slovenskem romanu Jugoslavija, moja dežela pisatelja Gorana Vojnovića

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Članek proučuje, kako se v literarnem delu z naslovom Jugoslavija, moja dežela pisatelja Gorana Vojnovića, zrcalijo družbeni vplivi, ki oblikujejo identiteto protagonista. Ta se v izbranem sodobnem slovenskem romanu kaže kot boj znotraj posameznika in kot boj med posameznikom in skupino, ki od njega zahteva, da se legitimira z njenimi identitetnimi znamenji. Interpretativna analiza ugotavlja prisotnost družbenih vplivov kot identitetnih simbolov ter njihov vpliv na identitetno problematiko osrednjega lika.


The Concept of Identity in the Modern Slovenian Novel Yugoslavia, My Fatherland by Goran Vojnović

The article delves into the ways in which social influences form the protagonist’s identity in the literary work Yugoslavia, My Fatherland written by Slovenian writer Goran Vojnović. Identity is shown in the modern Slovenian novel as a battle within the individual as well as the battle between the individual and the group that requires the individual to identify with its identity values. The interpretative analysis confirms the presence of social influences as identity values and their influence on the central character’s identity questions.