V članku je nekaj idej za eksperimente, ki so primerni tako za osnovno kot tudi za srednjo stopnjo izobraževanja. Lahko jih izvajamo z analognimi merilniki, pripravimo tabele za zapis rezultatov in kasneje narišemo grafe. Lahko pa uporabimo digitalne merilnike, senzorje, npr. sistem Vernier (https://www.vernier.com/) ali Arduino (https://www.arduino.cc/), ki samodejno beležijo rezultate. V tem primeru lahko dijaki, učenci pripravijo obsežnejše raziskave. Predhodno naj postavijo hipoteze, z eksperimentom preverijo postavljene trditve in zapišejo ugotovitve ali celo posplošitve. Ideje so povzete po predlogi Vinka Udirja in so bile predstavljene na Raziskovalni šoli za učitelje leta 1990.
Fieldwork Ideas
The article gives a few ideas for experiments that are suitable for the primary and secondary level of education. We can conduct the experiments using analogue meters, prepare tables for writing down the results, and afterwards draw graphs. Digital meters and sensors can be used instead, e.g. the Vernier system (https://www.vernier.com/) or Arduino (https://www.arduino.cc/ ), which automatically log the results. In that case, the pupils or secondary school students can prepare more extensive research. They should set forth the hypotheses in advance, test the propositions with an experiment, and then write down their findings or even generalizations. The ideas have been taken from the work of Vinko Udir and have been demonstrated at the 1990 Research School for Teachers.