Gluha učenka med slišečimi – moja izkušnja poučevanja učencev z okvaro sluha pri pouku glasbene umetnosti

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Inkluzija otrok s posebnimi potrebami je za učitelje velik strokovni izziv. Tako sem se soočila s poučevanjem glasbe pri gluhih učencih. Sluh je človekovo osnovno čutilo pri zaznavanju glasbe, zato poučevanje glasbe pri gluhi osebi poteka drugače. Kako ta oseba sliši, zaznava glasbo? Kakšna čustva ji vzbuja poslušanje glasbe? Ali lahko pleše ob glasbi? Prispevek izpostavlja metode dela z gluhimi učenci prek moje lastne izkušnje v šolski praksi.


A Deaf Pupil Among Hearing Pupils – Personal Experience of Teaching Music to the Hearing-Impaire

Inclusive education can be arduous for teachers. The author of the article, too, was faced with the challenge of teaching music to deaf pupils. One of the key functions of hearing, a basic human sense, is the detection of music. This is why teaching music to the deaf is specific. How do they hear or perceive music? What types of feelings does music evoke in them? Can they dance to music? In light of her own teaching experience, the author proposes some instructional strategies to meet the needs of deaf pupils.