Glasbenodidaktične igre v 2. starostnem obdobju

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V Kurikulumu za vrtce je glasba kot dejavnost opredeljena v sklopu umetnosti. Odločila sem se, da bom otrokom predstavila področje glasbe preko glasbenodidaktičnih iger za spoznavanje parametrov zvoka. Razvijali smo glasbene sposobnosti, spretnosti in pridobili nova znanja. Otroci so se igrali, poslušali, izvajali, si izmišljali zvoke in glasbo ter odkrivali in spoznavali značilnosti zvoka: glasnost, trajanje, barvo in tonsko višino. Dejavnosti smo izvajali v skupini otrok, starih od štiri do pet let. Otroci so dejavno sodelovali in pozorno poslušali ter ustvarjalno dopolnjevali glasbene zamisli. Glasbenodidaktične igre so v otrocih vzbudile veselje do glasbe in glasbenega ustvarjanja ter jih nagovorile k pogostejšemu gibanju in hitremu odzivanju na zvočne in glasbene spodbude.


Music Didactic Games in Second Age Group

In the Curriculum for Kindergartens, music is defined as part of arts. In this particular case, music didactic games were used for the purpose of familiarizing children with the parameters of sound. They thus acquired musical abilities, skills and knowledge. In addition to playing, listening, performing, inventing sounds and music, the children discovered and learned about the characteristics of sound: loudness, duration, timbre, and pitch. The activities were carried out with a group of 4- to 5-year-olds. They actively participated, listened attentively, and contributed creative musical ideas. The music didactic games fired the children with enthusiasm for music and stimulated their musical creativity; they encouraged them to move more often and to respond quickly to sound and music stimuli.