Glasbene predstave na Osnovni šoli Vavta vas

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Vsako leto so v šolskem koledarju navedeni tudi spominske slovesnosti in obeležja, pri katerih sodeluje Osnovna šola Vavta vas v Straži pri Novem mestu. Ker gre za edino šolo v občini, je teh slovesnosti in obeležij nekoliko več. V članku predstavljamo dve ideji za nastanek in izvedbo muzikalov. V izvedbo so bili vključeni učenci, ki so izkazali željo po sodelovanju, in učiteljici, ki spodbujata učence k izražanju svoje – večkrat skrite – nadarjenosti. Izvedba muzikalov oziroma glasbenih predstav zahteva veliko načrtovanja in usklajevanja med učitelji, še preden idejo predstavijo učencem, potem pa je na vrsti še veliko priprav. V enem šolskem letu je zato izvedena le ena tovrstna prireditev.


Music Performances at Vavta vas Primary School

Every year, the school calendar lists the commemorative ceremonies and memorial services in which the Vavta vas Primary School in Straža pri Novem mesto participates. As it is the only school in the municipality, there are a few extra ceremonies and commemorations. This article covers two approaches to the production and performance of musicals. The performance included children who wished to participate and teachers who encouraged them to express their sometimes hidden talents. The production of musicals and musical theatre necessitates extensive planning and balancing among teachers before they put the ideas forward to their students. From that point on, there is still plenty of preparatory work. As a result, such events are limited to one per school year.