Glasbene dejavnosti na Osnovni šoli Gorišnica

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Na Osnovni šoli Gorišnica smo ustvarjalni in dejavni na številnih področjih. Posebej radi združimo moči učitelji različnih predmetnih področij in z našimi učenci ustvarjamo tematsko zasnovane kulturne prireditve, glasbeno-gledališke predstave in pevske koncerte, na katerih se učenci predstavijo svojim staršem, dedkom, babicam, prijateljem in znancem. V prispevku predstavljamo glasbene dejavnosti, ki pomembno soustvarjajo kulturni utrip Osnovne šole Gorišnica, pa tudi celotne lokalne skupnosti, saj se prireditev ob državnih praznikih udeležuje tudi do 1000 obiskovalcev


Music Activities at Gorišnica Primary School

At the Gorišnica Primary School, we are creative and active in many fields. The teachers of different subject areas are particularly fond of joining forces and creating thematic cultural events, music-theatre performances and singing concerts with our students, where they present themselves to their parents, grandparents, friends and acquaintances. This article presents musical activities that significantly contribute to the cultural pulse of the Gorišnica Primary School and the local community as a whole, with up to 1000 visitors attending events on public holidays.