Predstavljam izvedbo glasbene pravljice z naslovom Miška želi prijatelja; avtorica besedila je Nina Mav Hrovat, avtorica glasbe pa Bernarda Rakar. Odigrale, zaigrale in odpele smo jo strokovne delavke vrtca Krkine lučke pri OŠ Vavta vas v dobrodelni namen. V prispevku predstavim pomen odnosa med pravljico, glasbo in gledališčem ter nato opišem potek izvedbe glasbene pravljice od izhodiščne ideje do izvedbe.
Music Fairy Tale The Little Mouse Wants to Have a Friend. Music-Theatre Performance by Preschool Professionals at the Krkine lučke Kindergarten
In what follows, the production of the music fairy tale The Little Mouse Wants to Have a Friend is presented. The authors of the story and music are Nina Mav Hrovat and Bernarda Rakar respectively. It was first performed by a group of preschool professionals from the Vrtec Krkine lučke pri OŠ Vavta vas Kindergarten. All the proceeds from the performance went to charity. The paper underlines the relationship between fairy tales, music and theatre, and outlines the production of a music fairy tale from the initial idea to a public performance.