Pri pouku športa je igra zelo pomembno sredstvo predvsem na razredni stopnji, saj omogoča sproščeno in učinkovito učenje novih gibalnih nalog. Gibalne igre so tiste, s katerimi lahko razvijamo celoten spekter gibalnih sposobnosti, podajamo različna gibalna znanja, so odlično razvedrilo in zabava, ob tem pa razvijajo pomembne veščine in človeške vrednote (sodelovanje, pomoč šibkejšemu, zdrava tekmovalnost, izražanje čustev, vključevanje v skupnost …). Izbor gibalnih iger je odvisen od namena in ciljev vadbe. V proces poučevanja morajo biti umeščene smiselno in preudarno. Pri izboru iger moramo upoštevati starost vadečih, spol, število vadečih, prostorske možnosti, razpoložljivost rekvizitov ter interes vadečih. V uvodnem delu je njihov osnovni namen ogrevanje in priprava telesa na obremenitve v nadaljevanju. Izbrana igra mora vključevati vse vadeče, gibanja so elementarna. Glavni del vadbene enote je namenjen učenju in utrjevanju, izbrane igre vplivajo na pridobivanje novih motoričnih informacij ali utrjevanje že znanih ter razvoj gibalnih sposobnosti. V zaključnem delu izbiramo tiste gibalne igre, ki vadeče umirijo in sprostijo.
Movement Games in First Five Grades
Playing games during P.E. lessons is very important, especially in the first five grades of primary school, as it enables students to learn new physical exercises in a relaxed and efficient manner. Movement games are those that enable the development of the entire spectrum of motor skills, the learning of different movements, and that provide entertainment while developing important skills and human values (cooperation, helping weaker students, healthy competitiveness, expressing emotions, inclusion in community, etc.). The selection of movement games depends on the purpose and goals of physical exercise. They should be chosen in a meaningful and considered way. In order to choose appropriate games, one should consider students’ age, gender, number, interests, as well as special capacities and equipment availability. At the beginning of P.E. lessons, movement games function as a warming-up exercise to prepare the body for further activities. The selected game should involve all students and focus on elementary movements. The main part of a P.E. lesson in focused on learning and training, while the selected games help students gain new motor information or strengthen the already gained motor skills. At the end of a P. E. lesson, it is recommended to choose such movement games that calm down and relax the students.