Fran Jaklič skozi kmečko povest

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Fran Jaklič velja za ljudskega pisatelja, ki se je zgledoval po rojaku Franu Levstiku, vendar pa se je v načinu pisanja bolj približal Josipu Jurčiču (slikanje vaških posebnežev). Bil je eden izmed prvakov kmečke povesti, saj je bil odgovoren za prvi količinski val tega žanra v začetku devetdesetih let devetnajstega stoletja. Pisal je tudi zgodovinske povesti in kratko pripovedno prozo. Rad je uporabljal psevdonime: najpogostejši Podgoričan, Josip Svoboda, Branimir … Po času pisanja lahko Jakličeva književna dela razvrstimo v dve obdobji: od leta 1888 do 1902. leta in od leta 1920 do 1927. leta, ko je bilo objavljeno njegovo zadnje literarno delo, in sicer zgodovinska povest Ob srebrnem studencu. Temeljni motiv kmečkih povesti je generacijski konflikt, ki se razrešuje raznoliko. Poroke med socialno različnima ljubimcema se končajo srečno šele takrat, ko revni partner obogati. Pogosti so tudi ljubezenski in folklorni motivi. Po večini spadajo med tip folklorno realističnih povesti. Pisatelj je znanilec pokrajinske povesti, saj dogajanje postavlja v prepoznavno okolje njegove rojstne pokrajine. Fran Jaklič ima kot obsežen pisatelj kmečke in zgodovinske povesti velik kulturni in zgodovinski pomen. O tem priča tudi dejstvo, da so njegova dela še vedno živa v obliki dramatizacij in da se po njem v Suhi krajini imenujejo društva ter ustanove.


Fran Jaklič as Seen through Rural Novels

Fran Jaklič is considered a folk writer, who followed the example of his fellow countryman Fran Levstik, but whose writing style was closer to that of Josip Jurčič (portraying eccentric village characters). He was one of the first pioneers of the rural novel, for he was responsible for the first large quantity of works in this genre in the early 1890s. He also wrote historical novels and short narrative prose. He liked using pseudonyms: the most common ones were Podgoričan, Josip Svoboda, Branimir, etc. Based on their time of creation, Jaklič’s literary works can be categorised into two periods: from 1888 to 1902 and from 1920 to 1927, when his last literary work was published, namely the historical novel By the Silver Spring. The fundamental motif of his rural novels is the intergenerational conflict, which is being resolved in many different ways. Marriages between lovers of different social standing end happily only after the poor partner becomes wealthy. Romantic and folklore motifs are also common. Most of his works belong to realistic folklore novels. This writer is the herald of the regional novel, since he places the events in the recognisable scenery of the region of his birth. As a prolific writer of rural and historical novels, Fran Jaklič has great cultural and historical significance. This is corroborated by the fact that his works still live on in the form of dramatisations and that societies and institutions in the region of Suha krajina are named after him.