Poznavanje rastlinskih vrst nam daje pomembne informacije o rastiščnih razmerah in delovanju celotnega ekosistema. Med lastnostmi prsti in rastjem obstajajo določene povezave, saj pojav določene rastline na določenem mestu razkrije rastiščne pogoje. Takšne rastline, ki s svojim pojavom kažejo na tipične lastnosti okolja, imenujemo fitoindikatorji oz. rastlinski indikatorji. Pri vsem tem so nam v veliko pomoč metode, katerih osnova je ekološko vrednotenje vsake posamezne vrste glede na okoljske dejavnike. Najbolj razširjena in splošno znana je Ellenbergova fitoindikacijska metoda, ki je sestavljena na podlagi posameznega dejavnika, ki vpliva na vrednosti rastlinske lestvice.
Phytoindicators – Plant Indicators of Soil Quality
The knowledge of plant species provides us with valuable information about site conditions and the functioning of the entire ecosystem. Soil properties have a marked effect on plant growth, as the occurrence of a certain plant in a specific place reflects site conditions. When a plant species acts as a measure of environmental conditions, it is referred to as a phytoindicator or a plant indicator. The methods based on the ecological evaluation of each species in relation to environmental factors are essential in the process. The most widespread and widely acknowledged method is the Ellenberg Indicator Values plant chart, which is based on an individual factor that effects the values on the plant scale.