Evropske statistične igre

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Evropske statistične igre so srednješolsko tekmovanje iz poznavanja statistike in statističnih podatkov. Dijaki lahko tekmujejo posamezno ali v največ tričlanskih ekipah; prav vsi pa morajo imeti mentorja, srednješolskega profesorja. V času šolskega tekmovanja odgovarjajo na vprašanja, ki so objavljena na spletu, na naslednji – državni – ravni tekmovanja pa izdelajo raziskovalno nalogo. Najboljši tekmovalci se v evropskem finalu pomerijo v izdelavi kratkega videa. Udeležba na tekmovanju je brezplačna, prav vsi sodelujoči pa pridobijo novo znanje, nove izkušnje in lepo promocijsko majico.


European Statistics Competition

The European Statistics Competition is a secondary school competition in the knowledge of statistics and statistical data. Students can compete individually or in teams of three (at most); all of them must have a mentor, i.e. a secondary school professor. During the school competition they answer questions published on-line; at the next – national – level of the competition they complete a research assignment. The best competitors attend the European finals where they compete in making a short video. Participation in the competition is free of charge; all the participants will gain new knowledge, new experiences and a lovely promotional T-shirt.