Erasmus+: Osnovnošolci OŠ Majde Vrhovnik po Evropi

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V šolskem letu 2018/2019 in 2019/2020 Osnovna šola Majde Vrhovnik iz Ljubljane sodeluje v projektu izmenjave učencev in učiteljev Erasmus+ skupaj s predstavniki Španije, Italije, Grčije, Danske in Poljske. Naslov našega skupnega projekta je Naši narodni zakladi skozi oči otrok (Our National Treasures through the Eyes of the Children). Učenci bodo v tem času spoznali naravno in kulturno dediščino vseh sodelujočih držav, si krepili zavest o Unescovi dediščini in pomembnosti njenega ohranjanja, krepili identiteto evropskega državljanstva ter razvijali jezikovne in digitalne kompetence. V prispevku je opisan naš prvi obisk v Španiji v mestecu Sant Andreu de la Barca, ki leži v neposredni bližine Barcelone. Na petdnevni izmenjavi so sodelujoči učitelji in učenci spoznali španski šolski sistem, kulturo, se učili o življenju in delu znamenitega arhitekta Antonija Gaudija, obiskali njegove stvaritve in stkali posebne vezi z gostitelji in drugimi gosti. Domov so se vrnili z bogatimi vtisi in izkušnjami.


Erasmus+: Pupils of the Majda Vrhovnik Primary School across Europe

In the 2018/2019 and 2019/2020 school year, the Majda Vrhovnik Primary School from Ljubljana is participating in the Erasmus+ pupil and teacher exchange project together with representatives of Spain, Italy, Greece, Denmark and Poland. The title of our joint project is Our National Treasures through the Eyes of the Children. The pupils will come to know the natural and cultural heritage of all the participating countries, increase their awareness of UNESCO heritage and of the importance of preserving it, strengthen their identity as European citizens, and develop their language and digital competences. The article describes our first visit to the Spanish town of Sant Andreu de la Barca, which is situated in the immediate vicinity of Barcelona. During the five-day exchange, the participating teachers and pupils got to know the Spanish education system and culture, learned about the life and work of the famous architect Antoni Gaudí, visited his creations, and formed special bonds with their hosts and other guests. They returned home full of new impressions and experiences.