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Nekatere lastnosti človeškega obnašanja v velikih skupinah so natančno opisljive in napovedljive. V tem smo ljudje, čeprav smo kot posamezniki vsak po svoje posebni in unikatni, precej podobni delcem v snovi. Statistična fizika se je v preteklih dveh desetletjih izkazala kot zelo učinkovita za opisovanje pojavov zunaj klasične fizike. Fizika družbenih sistemov tako proučuje kolektivne pojave, do katerih pride zaradi interakcij med posamezniki, ki se obnašajo kot elementarne enote v večjih socialnih strukturah. V tem članku bomo predstavili enostaven matematični model, ki opisuje širjenje epidemije. Raziskali bomo vpliv strukture omrežja na širjenje epidemije ter pomen samoizolacije za zajezitev širjenja. Članek spremlja tudi uporabniku prijazna simulacija, ki jo je mogoče brez programiranja uporabiti v šoli.



Certain characteristics of human behaviour in large groups are describable and predictable. In this regard people, though special and unique as individuals, quite resemble particles in matter. Over the past two decades, statistical physics has proved to be highly effective in describing phenomena outside of classical physics. The physics of social systems studies collective phenomena that occur due to interactions between individuals who act as elementary units in larger social structures. The article will present a simple mathematical model that describes the spread of an epidemic. It will research the impact of the network’s structure on the spread of the epidemic and the importance of self-isolation for containing the spread. The article comes with a user-friendly simulation that can be used in school and does not require programming.