Elementi migrantske književnosti v romanu Milana Kundere Neznosna lahkost bivanja

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Članek preučuje elemente migrantske književnosti, ki se zrcalijo v literarnem delu z naslovom Neznosna lahkost bivanja pisatelja Milana Kundere. Je roman, v katerem sta v središče postavljeni nevsakdanja ljubezenska zgodba in teža/lahkost bivanja z ozadjem zgodovine in politike Češkoslovaške. Članek obravnava probleme migrantstva, nacionalne identitete in jezika v medkulturnem svetu. Interpretativna analiza izkazuje zgodovinsko prisotnost in velik vpliv na dogodke v romanu.


Elements of Migrant Literature in the Novel The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera

The article examines the elements of migrant literature reflected in the literary work The Unbearable Lightness of Being written by Milan Kundera. The novel places an unusual love story and the weight/lightness of being against a historical and political background of Czechoslovakia. The article focuses on the problems of migrants, national identity and language in a multicultural environment. The interpretative analysis proves historical presence and a great influence on the events described in the novel.