V prispevku so predstavljeni rezultati projekta Oživimo naravno in kulturno dediščino Dravinjske doline, ki je potekal v letih 2013 in 2014 v treh občinah Dravinjske doline, in sicer v Makolah, Majšperku in Poljčanah. Rezultat projekta so izdana tiskana gradiva in spletna stran, na kateri so dostopna vsa gradiva. Poudarek prispevka je na prikazu razumevanja naravne in kulturne dediščine za namene izobraževanja, predvsem za geografe. Mnoge občine imajo tovrstno dediščino, vendar je ne zmorejo uspešno predstaviti, zato je primer Dravinjske doline lahko uporabljen kot dobra praksa.
Dravinja Valley is Nature’s Classroom for Geographers
The paper presents the results of the project “Let’s Revive the Natural and Cultural Heritage of the Dravinja Valley”, which was carried out in 2013 and 2014 in three municipalities of the Dravinja Valley, namely in Makole, Majšperk and Poljčane. The project output is the published printed materials and the website, on which all of the materials are accessible. The paper focuses on the understanding of natural and cultural heritage for educational purposes, especially for educating geographers. Many municipalities have such heritage but are unable to present it successfully, which is why Dravinja Valley can serve as an example of good practice.