Delo z nadarjenimi učenci je usmerjeno v širitev in poglabljanje temeljnega znanja, v hitrejše napredovanje, v razvijanje ustvarjalnosti in višjih oblik učenja. Glede na njihove posebne učne potrebe na kognitivnem, emocionalnem, socialnem in tudi estetskem področju se mora načrt dela, metod, pristopov in strategij prilagoditi njihovim posebnim potrebam do te mere, da se izbirajo najboljše metode dela, ki bodo pospeševale in poglabljale učenje ter obogatile in razširile njihove učne izkušnje. Le z natančnim načrtovanjem dela z nadarjenimi lahko dosežemo maksimalen učinek, ki bo tem učencem prinesel zadovoljstvo ob doživljanju uspeha in izboljševal njihovo samopodobo. Za svoj razvoj pa ti učenci poleg dobro načrtovane in učinkovite pomoči kreativnih in zainteresiranih učiteljev potrebujejo še spodbudo učiteljev in staršev ter predvsem priložnost, da svoje učitelje in starše vzamejo za vzor, dober, navdihujoč, motivacijski model za uresničevanje svoje nadarjenosti.
Gifted Education should be a Challenge for the Teacher
Gifted education is directed toward broadening and deepening the basic knowledge, toward faster progress, toward developing creativity and higher forms of learning. With regard to their special learning needs in the cognitive, emotional, social and aesthetic area, the plan of work, methods, approaches and strategies must be adapted to their special needs to the degree of selecting the best possible work methods, which will speed up and deepen the learning process, and enrich and broaden their learning experience. Only by carefully planning gifted education can we achieve the maximum effect, which will bring satisfaction to such students whenever they achieve success and will improve their self-image. In order to develop, such students need not only the well-planned and efficient help from creative and interested teachers, but also the encouragement of teachers and parents, and, above all, the opportunity to use their teachers and parents as role models, as a good, inspirational and motivational model for realising their gift.