O čuječnosti je zadnje čase vedno več govora. Pogosto v povezavi s stresom, kjer je v rabi v terapevtske namene. Hkrati pa vedno pogosteje lahko čuječnost zasledimo tudi v šolskih kontekstih. Pričujoči članek bo predstavil pojem čuječnosti, ga umestil v šolski kontekst in predstavil prednosti čuječnosti v šolskem okolju. Predstavili bomo vrednost čuječnosti za učitelje ter uporaben vidik čuječnosti pri delu z učenci.
Mindfulness in the School Setting
Lately, there is more and more talk of mindfulness. Often in connection with stress, where it is used for therapeutic purposes. At the same time, mindfulness is becoming more common in school contexts as well. The present article will present the concept of mindfulness, incorporate it into a school context, and present the advantages of mindfulness in a school setting. It will present the value of mindfulness for the teachers and the useful aspect of mindfulness in working with pupils.