Cankarjev »idealist« – vedno nov izziv

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Prispevek s posamezni izsledki iz vsebine potrjuje simetrično notranjo zgradbo Cankarjevega romana Martin Kačur. Trije dogajalni prostori so usodno zaznamovali življenje učitelja Kačurja, dogajanje je v Zapolju, Blatnem dolu in Lazih zelo podobno zasnovano, kar ponazarja jedro prispevka. Osrednji je motiv učitelja kot bojevnika za svobodnejše in naprednejše življenje, ki kloni pod težo družbenega pritiska. Brez ostre kritike družbenih razmer torej ne gre, poudarjen je tudi politični motiv. Politiko posameznega dogajalnega prostora usmerjajo predvsem župan, župnik in nadučitelj, v Zapolju tudi zdravnik. Med Kačurjem in »politično elito« ni soglasij, človek Kačurjevega kova v koristoljubni in zaostali družbi ne more uspeti. Z navedenimi motivi se povezuje tudi motiv odnosa do ženske oziroma družine, predvsem navezanost na sina. »Idealist« skuša svoje ideje uveljaviti v družbeno neugodnem času, iz Zapolja preko Blatnega dola in vse do Laz njegova osebna tragedija narašča in se zaokroži z idejo tragičnega posameznika.


Cankar’s »Idealist« – Always a New Challenge

The article confirms the symmetrical structure of Ivan Cankar’s novel Martin Kačur, supported by the content. In the main part, the article illustrates three places in the story that have strongly impacted the life of the teacher Kačur – Zapolje, Blatni dol and Laze – where the action is very similarly structured. The main motif is the teacher’s fight for a freer and better life in the face of the dominant social pressure, implying a severe criticism of the social conditions. Another motif that is also emphasised is politics, reflected through the personalities governing the political situation in each of the three places: the mayor, the priest and the school manager, and in Zapolje also the doctor. No agreement can be reached between Kačur and the »political elite«, a man of Kačur’s character cannot succeed in a self-serving, backward society. Related to these motifs is the motif of a relationship towards a woman or a family, expressed primarily through a mother’s attachment to her son. »Idealist« is trying to realise his ideas in at a time of adverse social conditions – his personal tragedy increases as it leads from Zapolje to Blatni dol and then Laze, ending with the idea of the tragic hero.