Branje z učnim pripomočkom KOBI

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Prispevek na kratko predstavlja aplikacijo KOBI – nov pripomoček za branje na tablici ali pametnem telefonu. Aplikacija omogoča lažje branje učencem, ki se soočajo z različnimi bralnimi težavami. Posameznik lahko izbira med zanj učinkovitimi prilagoditvami: prilagoditev barvne podlage, velikost črk, štetja besed in obarvanja posameznih črk. Najbolj dobrodošlo pa je to, da lahko s pomočjo kamere skeniramo in prenesemo v program katerokoli učencu težje berljivo tiskano besedilo in ga nadaljnje prilagodimo glede na učenčeve potrebe.


Reading with the Learning Tool KOBI

The article introduces the app called KOBI – a new tablet or smartphone reading tool that facilitates reading for children who experience different reading difficulties. It provides a selection of customizable and effective adjustments: adjustable colouring, letter size, word count and colouring of individual letters. Its most useful feature is the possibility to import any printed text that the student has difficulty reading by scanning it with the camera and then make further adjustments according to the student’s needs.