Bralno motivacijske strategije bibliotekarke, ustanoviteljice in urednice revij za otroke, poznavalke mladinske književnosti in prevajalke, Maríe Montserrat Sarto Canet (1919–2009) pri nas do sedaj niso bile znane. Leta 2015 je izšlo njeno delo Strategije motiviranja za branje: z izkušnjami slovenskih motivatork in motivatorjev, ki ga je prevedla in uredila dr. Barbara Pregelj, v njej pa bodo zajete tudi izkušnje slovenskih udeležencev večletnega izobraževanja in preizkušanja strategij na celotni izobraževalni vertikali od vrtca do gimnazije. Strategije sistematično in z uporabo igre spodbujajo uživanje v branju. Učitelj s pomočjo strategij postane motivator (mediator) branja, zanemarjena pa ni niti izobraževalna stran poučevanja književnosti. V prispevku so podrobno predstavljene tri strategije, ki so se v petem razredu osnovne šole izkazale za zelo učinkovite. Izkušnje slovenskih motivatorjev branja, ki so se udeležili izobraževanja o bralnih strategijah, kažejo, da je uporaba strategij uspešna tudi pri obravnavi neumetnostnih besedil, saj (igrivo) uri pozornost in zboljšuje bralno pismenost.
Reading Strategies by Montserrat Sarto
Until now, the motivational reading strategies developed by the librarian, founder and editor of children’s magazines, connoisseur of juvenile literature, and translator María Montserrat Sarto Canet (1919-2009) were unknown in Slovenia. The publication of her book Strategije motiviranja za branje z izkušnjami slovenskih motivatork in motivatorjev (Reading Motivation Strategies with Experiences of Slovenian Motivators), which was translated and edited by dr. Barbara Pregelj, is scheduled for autumn; it will include the experiences of Slovenian participants in training programmes and strategy testing conducted over several years along the entire education vertical from kindergarten to general secondary school. These strategies systematically, through play, promote pleasure in reading. By means of these strategies the teacher becomes the motivator (mediator) of reading and does not neglect the educational aspect of teaching literature. The paper gives an in-depth presentation of three strategies, which have proved to be highly effective in the fifth grade of primary school. The experiences of Slovenian reading motivators, who have attended a training programme on reading strategies, indicate that the use of these strategies is also successful when discussing non-literary texts, for it (playfully) hones concentration and improves reading literacy.