V letu 2019 smo se v Društvu Bralna značka Slovenije – ZPMS lotili sistematične obdelave statističnih podatkov, zbranih na podlagi vprašalnikov, ki jih vsako leto izpolnjujejo mentorji BZ v osnovnih šolah. V vprašalnikih zbiramo (med drugim) tudi podatke o številu bralcev BZ po spolu. Pri obdelavi nas zanima, kako se v branje za BZ vključujejo osnovnošolci po različnih regijah, kako berejo na različnih starostnih stopnjah in kakšne zaključke (ali nova vprašanja) nam lahko takšen prikaz prinese oz. nakaže.
The Reading Badge and Development of Bookworms
In 2019, the Slovenian Reading Badge Society began to systematically process the statistical data collected with questionnaires that are filled in each year by Reading Badge (RB) mentors in primary schools. Among other things, the questionnaires reveal gender differences in the number of RB readers. The processing of the data aims to determine how primary school pupils are joining the RB in different regions, how they are reading in different age groups, and which conclusions (or new questions) such a portrayal might bring or indicate.