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V izbrano dejavnost smo vstopili zato, ker smo želeli s podporo umetnosti doseči, da bi otrok prišel od pravljice do dramatizacije. Želeli smo, da so se otroci srečali tudi s profesionalno pripovedovalko. S pomočjo umetniške izkušnje na področju dramske umetnosti smo pri otrocih spodbujali otrokov socialni in čustveni napredek ob kontinuirani dramski dejavnosti. S pomočjo gledaliških iger in lutk smo spodbujali vse čute, ki odpirajo možnosti in prostor za nove izkušnje ter jim omogočili vpogled v njihovo notranjost, vživljanje v dramsko dejavnost.


Finger Games

We participated in the selected activity to support the arts and help children transition from fairy tales to dramatisation. The children had the opportunity to interact with a professional storyteller. We encouraged the children’s social and emotional development through continuous drama activity by drawing on our artistic experience in drama. We stimulated all their senses with theatre games and puppets, opening up possibilities and space for new experiences and giving them insight into their inner selves while immersing them in the drama activity.