Pouk izbirnega predmeta astronomija na Tehniški gimnaziji na Vegovi v Ljubljani poteka letos že s peto generacijo gimnazijskih tretješolcev v obsegu 70 šolskih ur na letni ravni. »Uvodni« elementi astronomije so prisotni že v drugem letniku v obliki nekaterih astronomskih dejavnosti na naravoslovnem taboru. V članku, ki je nastal na osnovi mojega prispevka za slovensko astronomsko revijo Spika (januar 2015), opisujem nekaj značilnosti pouka astronomije, kot tudi praktičnih izkušenj poučevanja novega predmeta. Naloge na koncu naj služijo le kot primer težjih računskih nalog, ki tudi spremljajo pouk. Opisan je še primer eksperimentalne aktivnosti dijakov med nočnimi opazovanji. Pričujoče fotografije pa večinoma niso neposredno povezane s poukom, so pa lep primer, kaj z nekaj dodatnega dela še lahko naredimo na zanimivem področju astronomske fotografije z opremo, ki ni v ničemer boljša od tiste, ki bi jo lahko priporočili kot del obvezne opreme za izvedbo praktičnega dela pouka.
Astronomy, New Subject in General Secondary School
The elective subject in Astronomy at the Vegova Technical Secondary School in Ljubljana is now being taught to the fifth generation of secondary school students in the extent of 70 periods per year. ‚Introductory‘ elements of astronomy are already present in their second year as a part of certain astronomical activities at the science camp. The article, which is based on my paper published in the Slovenian astronomy magazine Spika, describes some of the features of teaching Astronomy, as well as the practical experience in teaching the new subject. Exercises at the end serve as an example of difficult computing tasks, which accompany the lessons. An example of experimental students’ activity during night sky observations is also described. The pictures presented are for the most part not directly related to lessons, but are a good example of what can be done in the interesting field of astrophotography with additional work using equipment which is no better than the one recommended as a part of the mandatory equipment for the practical part of the Astronomy subject.