Anizotropija v snoveh – optična dvolomnost in demonstracija komplementarnih barv (2. del)

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Pred vami je nadaljevanje članka, katerega prvi del je bil objavljen v prejšnji številki revije. V prvem delu smo opisali pojav dvolomnosti in možnost demonstracije pojava, pri kateri uporabimo plast tekočega kristala. Prav tako smo omenili, da lahko plasti dvolomne snovi izbrane debeline bistveno spremenijo polarizacijo prepuščene svetlobe. V nadaljevanju se osredotočimo na prehod bele svetlobe skozi plast dvolomne snovi ter analiziramo barvnost prepuščenih svetlob za različne kombinacije kotov med polarizatorjem in analizatorjem.


Anisotropy in Matter – Optical Birefringence and Demonstration of Complementary Colours Part 2

Before you is the continuation of the first part of the article, which was published in the previous issue of the journal. The first part discussed the phenomenon of double refraction and the possibilities for demonstrating said phenomenon using a layer of liquid crystal. It also mentioned that layers of a doubly refracting substance of a specific thickness can significantly alter the polarisation of transmitted light. The rest of the article focuses on the transmission of white light through the layer of the doubly refracting substance, and analyses the hue of the transmitted light for various combinations of angles between the polariser and analyser.