Porast uporabe digitalnih medijev v izobraževanju je dejstvo in tudi v slovenskem šolskem prostoru so nastali številni spletni portali z e-učnimi gradivi za učenje različnih predmetov na različnih stopnjah in smereh izobraževanja. Tako je bila s pomočjo vprašalnika o uporabi e-učnih gradiv pri pouku matematike, ki so ga v marcu 2016 izpolnjevali dijaki vseh srednjih šol posavske regije, izvedena analiza odgovorov. Analiza je pokazala, koliko so posamezna e-učna gradiva znana in koliko so dejansko v uporabi med dijaki, kje poiščejo pomoč, kadar gradiva ne zadostujejo, kateri način učenja matematičnih vsebin s pomočjo interneta je dijakom najljubši in katere medije dijaki uporabljajo za učenje matematike. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da smo v slovenskem šolstvu še precej na začetku glede uporabe e-učnih gradiv, in čaka nas še veliko dela v zvezi z uvajanjem in širjenjem le-teh.
Analysis of the Use of e-Learning Materials in Mathematics Based on a Questionnaire
The increase in the use of digital media in education is a known fact; many online portals with e-learning materials for learning various subjects at various levels and courses of education have been set up in the Slovenian school setting. An analysis was conducted of the answers to a questionnaire on the use of e-learning materials in Mathematics lessons, which was filled out by students of all secondary schools in the Posavje region in March 2016. The analysis has revealed: how well-known individual e-learning materials are and how much they are actually being used by secondary school students; where they look for help when the materials are not enough; which method of learning mathematical contents using the Internet is preferred by secondary school students; and which media the secondary school students are using to learn Mathematics. It has been established that the use of e-learning materials in the Slovenian education system is more or less still in its infancy, and that there is much work to be done in introducing and propagating them.