Alternativni pristop k obravnavi ekonomske geografije v gimnaziji

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Prispevek predstavi primer alternativne učne obravnave ekonomske geografije oz. gospodarskih dejavnosti človeka v okviru obče geografije v gimnaziji, ki smo ga poimenovali »Naš geo eksperiment«. Gre za tematski sklop šestih učnih ur s področja ekonomske geografije. Vsaka učna priprava vključuje različne učne pristope, učne oblike in učne metode. Eden izmed glavnih ciljev »Našega geo eksperimenta« je, da dijaki s svojo aktivnostjo pridobijo uporabno in trajno znanje na izbranem področju. Poleg tega želimo, da bi učitelji pridobili možnost uporabe praktičnih primerov napredujoče teorije matične stroke. Učiteljem geografije predlagamo, da »Naš geo eksperiment« prikrojijo glede na lastne potrebe in potrebe njihovih dijakov ter ga preizkusijo.


Alternative Approach to Discussing Economic Geography in General Secondary School

The paper presents an example of an alternative class discussion of economic geography or of human economic activities within the scope of General Geography in general secondary school, which we have called »Our Geo Experiment«. It is a thematic set of six lessons on economic geography. Each lesson plan contains different teaching approaches, forms of teaching, and teaching methods. One of the main objectives of »Our Geo Experiment« is for students to gain useful and permanent knowledge in the chosen field through active participation. Moreover, we wish to offer teachers the chance to use practical examples of the advancing theory of the parent discipline. We recommend that Geography teachers adapt »Our Geo Experiment« to their own needs and the needs of their students, and try it out.