Ali je 1/pi ulomek?

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V prispevku obravnavamo pomen izraza ulomek in zapisa a/b . Čeprav je ulomek eden najosnovnejših matematičnih pojmov in je oznaka zanj vsem poznana, ju učenci, dijaki in tudi učitelji matematike različno razumejo. V prispevku predstavljamo različna pojmovanja in razumevanja izraza ulomek in zapisa z ulomkovo črto ter vzroke za raznolikost v njihovem razumevanju. Ulomek je primer matematičnega pojma, ki ga uporabljamo tako v formalnem, izvornem pomenu, pa tudi manj formalno v drugih pomenih, zato je predvsem pomembno razlikovati različne pomene in se jih zavedati.


Is a 1/pi Fraction?

The paper discusses the meaning of the term fraction and of the notation a/b . Even though the fraction is one of the most basic mathematical concepts and the symbol for it is known by all, primary school students, secondary school students and mathematics teachers understand it differently. The paper presents various concepts and understandings of the term fraction and of the notation with a fraction line, and the reasons for such differences in understanding. The fraction is an example of a mathematical concept which is being used in the formal, original meaning, and less formally in other meanings; it is therefore important that we distinguish among the different meanings and are aware of them.