Ali imajo posebne potrebe samo dijaki z odločbo?

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Vsak dijak ima drugačne načine razumevanja, pomnjenja in izkazovanja naučenega. Poslanstvo učiteljev je izobraziti in vzgojiti, kar zahteva od nas divergentno razmišljanje in ustvarjalno iskanje rešitev. Danes se veliko govori o odločbah in posebnih potrebah učencev/dijakov, članek hoče poudariti drugačnost vsakega posameznika, saj vsi občasno potrebujemo dodatno pomoč. V članku so predstavljene štiri učne situacije pri pouku geografije, kjer sem opazila dijakove potrebe po dodatni razlagi, oz. je bilo izkazovanje znanja in kompetenc izvedeno na drugačen način.


Do Only Students with Issued Decisions Have Special Needs?

Each secondary school student has a different way of understanding, memorizing and demonstrating what they have learnt. Education and upbringing are the teachers’ mission, which requires that we think divergently and search for solutions creatively. There is much talk today of decisions and of the special needs of pupils/students; the article aims to highlight the differentness of each individual, as all of us occasionally need extra help. The article presents four learning situations during Geography lessons where the author has noticed the student’s need for additional explanation or where the knowledge and competencies were demonstrated differently.