Timpani ali pavke so kotlasti bobni, ki za razliko od ostalih bobnov intonirajo, višino tona pa na sodobnih timpanih spreminjamo s pedalom. Opravljenih je bilo že mnogo raziskav o akustičnih lastnostih timpanov, neraziskan pa je vpliv različnih tehnik igranja na njihov zven. V raziskavi sem analiziral video in avdio posnetke ter primerjal in ugotavljal vpliv različnih palic, napetosti opne in prijemov oziroma stilov igranja na barvo zvena.
Acoustics of Timpani and Research into Certain Playing Techniques
Timpani or kettledrums are bowl-shaped drums, which, unlike other drums, can be tuned to different pitches; the pitch of modern timpani is changed with the use of a pedal. Many research studies have been conducted on the acoustic properties of timpani, but how different playing techniques influence their sound remains unresearched. This research study analyses video and audio recordings, and compares and determines the influence of different sticks, tension of the head and playing techniques or styles on the timbre.