Aktivnosti, cilji in prihodnost Strokovnega centra Centra IRIS

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Dodatna pomoč otrokom in mladostnikom z okvaro vida ter otrokom in mladostnikom s PPPU ter vsem, ki delamo z njimi


Center IRIS – Center za izobraževanje, rehabilitacijo, inkluzijo in svetovanje za slepe in slabovidne od pomladi 2017 izvaja projekt z naslovom Strokovni center za celostno podporo otrokom in mladostnikom z okvaro vida ter otrokom in mladostnikom s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja (v nadaljevanju: Strokovni center). V okviru projekta se izvajajo dejavnosti, s katerimi nadgrajujemo in širimo področja strokovne pomoči vsem uporabnikom in širšemu okolju. V projekt so vključene naslednje skupine: otroci in mladostniki z okvaro vida ter tisti z dodatnimi motnjami od rojstva do vstopa na trg delovne sile, otroci in mladostniki s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja, družine otrok in mladostnikov z okvaro vida in otrok in mladostnikov s primanjkljaji na posameznih področjih učenja, strokovni delavci v vrtcih, šolah in drugih ustanovah, potencialni delodajalci, širše okolje. V članku je podrobno predstavljeno delo v projektu, cilji po skupinah in prihodnost Strokovnega centra.


Additional Assistance to Children and Adolescents with Visual Impairment, to Children and Adolescents with SLD2 and to All Who Are Working with Them

Since the spring of 2017, Centre IRIS – Centre for Education, Rehabilitation, Inclusion and Counselling for the Blind and Partially Sighted has been implementing the project called Centre of Expertise for Comprehensive Support of Children and Adolescents with Visual Impairment and of Children and Adolescents with Specific Learning Disabilities (hereinafter: Centre of Expertise). Under the project, activities are being implemented which build on and expand the areas of professional assistance to all users and to the wider surroundings. The following groups are involved in the project: children and adolescents with visual impairment and those with multiple disorders from birth to labour market entry; children and adolescents with specific learning disabilities; families of children and adolescents with visual impairment and of children and adolescents with specific learning disabilities; professional staff in kindergartens, schools and other institutions; potential employers; the wider surroundings. The article gives a detailed presentation of the work carried out under the project, of its goals by groups, and of the future of the Centre of Expertise.