Ahačičevo slovnico v vsak dom: pregled osnov slovenske slovnice za učence in dijake

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Ahačičevi šolski slovnici sta namenoma zelo shematični, kratki in precej poenostavljeni, vendar ponujata nekatere rešitve iz aktualnega jezikoslovja, ki jih doslej v priročnikih še ni bilo moč zaznati. Že po hitrem pregledu je jasno, da je avtor zaznal zmožnosti, sposobnosti in védenje temeljnega naslovnika, torej učenca oz. dijaka, zato lahko upravičeno pričakujemo, da ju bosta priročnika znala nagovoriti, bolj zavzeti jezikovni sladokusci pa bodo morali poseči po čem drugem. Glavni odliki predstavljenih slovnic sta torej preglednost in poenostavljenost, avtorju je uspelo izluščiti bistveno, vendar ne izpustiti pomembnega. Pozitivna stran Ahačičevih slovnic je tudi zavedanje o relativnosti klasifikacij. Avtor bralca namreč velikokrat opozori, da so delitve jezikovnih pojavov odvisne od meril in od namena, tako ponuja možnost diskusije in bolj prožen pogled na jezik.


Ahačič’s Grammar Book in Every Home: Review of the Basics of Slovenian Grammar for Primary and Secondary School Students

Ahačič’s two school grammar books are intentionally very schematic, short and rather simplified, however, they offer a few solutions from contemporary linguistics, which have never before been seen in handbooks. It becomes evident from a brief review that the author was aware of the capabilities, skills and knowledge of the basic addressee, i.e. the primary or secondary school student; it can therefore be expected that these two handbooks know how to reach them, while more eager language buffs will have to find something else to read. The main qualities of the two grammar books presented are clarity and simplification; the author was able to extract the essence without leaving out anything important. Another positive aspect of the two grammar books by Ahačič is an awareness of the relativity of classifications. The author often points out to the reader that the division of linguistic phenomena depends on criteria and purpose; by doing so, he enables a discussion and a more flexible view of language.