Geografija kot veda o prostoru je vedno pridobivala informacije od sorodnih znanstvenih disciplin, kar jo je bogatilo in omogočalo napredek v znanosti. V zadnjih desetletjih se razvija agroekologija, ki ni nova znanstvena disciplina, saj je obstajala že v 20. stoletju, a danes dobiva novo vlogo v smeri raziskovanja narave, okolja, družbe in krepitve trajnostnih praks med ljudmi. Prav zato vidimo priložnost, da lahko geografija pridobi nove poglede na sedanje in prihodnje izzive tudi od agreokologije. V ta namen smo sodelovali pri pripravi vsebin za izobraževanje dijakov v poklicnih šolah na temo agroekologija in v zelo kratih orisih predstavljamo te module v pričujočem prispevku.
Agroecological Knowledge Brings Value to Geography
Geography as a study of the environment has always received information from related scientific fields, which enriched it as a science and promoted scientific progress. Over the last decades, agroecology has developed – not as a new science, as it already existed in the 20th century – and today has a new role in researching nature, environment and society as well as in strengthening sustainability practices between people. For this reason, agroecology can offer opportunities for geography to gain new insight into the current and future challenges. With this in mind, we cooperated in preparing the contents for vocational secondary school students on the topic of agroecology, and the article includes very short descriptions of these modules.